Witches, Goblins, and....frogs

Halloween is upon us once again!  I have to admit that I've been a bit of a Halloween scrooge in my post-college life.  Sure, it was great as a kid and awesome at Chico State (my old stomping grounds), BUT somehow the magic just kind of wore off.  And I'll admit I've spent more than one Halloween turning the porch lights off and camping out in my house avoiding the trick-or-treaters.   But this year is different.  This year is the first year we've celebrated with our 2-year-old.  I can feel the magic of Halloween coming back as I see it all as brand new through his eyes.  He's super excited about all of it...even if he's not quite sure what "all of it" is yet.  So, he decided he was going to be a frog.  Luckily, Joann's had the perfect costume, and he's been excited about it ever since.  So, we decided to go downtown last weekend to participate in the Safe Trick-or-Treat event they have during the day.  The day had come for Aiden to wear his costume!! He was super excited, until he realized that involved wearing a hood.  He  is not a hat-wearing kid.

Not a good start.  So, I reminded him of the impending trick-or-treating and promised to pose with him.  Much better.  

So, we were off... (The next 3 were taken on my camera phone...quality not so great, but the content is) :)

We topped off our weekend with some pumpkin fun.  First, we carved our first pumpkin.  He Aiden didn't want to touch the seeds, but he was happy to scoop them out with a spoon.

We decorated a smaller pumpkin with stickers while Daddy finished up carving.

And finally our pumpkin was a jack-o-latern.

Don't worry...we didn't use candles.  No little fingers were scorched in the name of this photo.  

And here he is...our orange guy who will be gracing our porch for the next couple of nights. 

Happy Halloween!!!


  1. omgosh the 1st image is just to precious!!! haha... great post!
